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Practice Makes Progress

Meredith Andersen

One of my new role models, Brené Brown said, “Write what you need to read.” This is the first time I had heard that, and I really like it a lot. I feel like it frees me. It also makes me look at what I am writing in a different way and ask myself what do I need to read/hear?

I have boiled it down to the following:

  1. You can design your life. You are a powerful creative person whose words, thoughts and actions have led you to the life you have now. The version of you who stands here now is a culmination and summation of everything you have decided to do/be/have prior to now. Therefore, you can decide who you will be tomorrow.

  2. What you want is just on the other side of fear. We talked about this already a couple of weeks ago, but just to reiterate, fear will get in your way. You will have to look at it, develop strategies to work around it and through it to get what you want. It is important to know when you have a worth-listening-to gut feeling or a fear road block to your dreams.

  3. Figuring out what you want can be the hardest part of getting what you want. You can have anything you really want, but defining and redefining and honing in on what it actually is, really can take time and intentionality. Clarity is often the hang up to moving forward. The universe is ready, willing and able to bestow all of its abundance on you. You just have to decide what you want, take action and tune in to get it.

  4. Realize you are worthy of what you want. This comes later in the process, as you start to practice defining your desires and then realizing you can really tune into whatever you want, it is almost scary. You have been held back by your personal insecurities for so long, it often does not seem possible to just have it, just like that. You think there should be more to it or that you should have some sort of degree or certificate saying “You sir, are now allowed to arise into whatever you like.” Once you see and truly know that you are worthy of anything you are willing to pursue, you can actually remove all of your limitations.

I often need to read and reread these concepts in different ways, from different speakers or on podcasts, etc. It is so helpful to get a steady flow of these messages often to really believe them and develop strategies in how to actually use these concepts in our daily lives. I guess that is my hope for this blog… that I can offer ways to put these concepts into practice.

That’s what it is, a practice. It is not perfect and it will change and evolve over time. Find different ways to put what you need to hear or read in front of you. Some of my favorites are different podcasts, blogs, journals, books and specials like Brené Brown’s recent one on Netflix. Personal growth is a constantly evolving process, don’t expect perfection, just progress.

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